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[ oxusaf ]

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Subject: US vs RUSSIA
Post ID# 1437
Message Number 31
Date Posted: 26 December 2007, 7:14:13 PM

Aint that the damn truth. I looked up what conscript means and it is a military concept used all over the world and not just by communist and socialist countries, it is when the country has a mandator service requirement for it's citizens. Germany has it and so do most other countries. So yes they do have a conscript military still. They need to get their economy out of the gutter so they can pay those poor bastards better and get better quality out of its service men/women and that will only happen when they quit this stodgy socialism crap.

[ firstsgt_cap ]

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Subject: US vs RUSSIA
Post ID# 1438
Message Number 32
Date Posted: 28 December 2007, 11:12:07 AM

Well, their economy is way better than the Soviet times and Putin just authorized a 200 Billion Dollar plan for military modernization, though it doesn't even cover the whole military.

They are way to far behind us in technology and they aren't even a threat as it is.

If you think about it China isn't a threat either, besides if we actually got into a big enough conflict with them, I would hope the President at the time will authorize Nuclear weapons, because we will have to at least knock them down in size if we want to end it quick, mind you I don't think we would need to, just that it would speed the war up.

[ firstsgt_cap ]

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Subject: US vs RUSSIA
Post ID# 1741
Message Number 33
Date Posted: 22 August 2008, 4:51:12 PM

Ok, first of all, there are treaties to limit stuff like that, no worries, besides they are far behind us in that technology.

Next, both their military and their population is smaller than the United States, you said that they have about twice as many people, thats incorrect, we have about twice as many people as they do. Our military is also larger and better equipped.

Your so called facts, are just the opposite...........Russia is not a threat to the US and will not be for many years to come.

harry [ v_bomber ]

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Subject: US vs RUSSIA
Post ID# 1744
Message Number 34
Date Posted: 23 August 2008, 3:34:57 AM

Yep sorry my bad read it wrong russia has a bigger country than you not more people. (The reason was i was reading a page that was talking about russia years ago)
'The distant flash of lightning howling through the thunder' ex RAF ligthning pilot recalling lightning of 1973 through thunder

[ firstsgt_cap ]

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Subject: US vs RUSSIA
Post ID# 1759
Message Number 35
Date Posted: 23 August 2008, 8:54:21 AM

Right, well make sure you read what you have written before pressing the 'post' button, usually makes for a better post.

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