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aero2080 [ aero2080 ]

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Subject: f 15 vs su 37
Post ID# 1155
Message Number 1
Date Posted: 18 January 2007, 5:30:03 PM

Has anyone ever thought that if by any we were to go to war with Russia that our eagles would be dominated. The only hope that we would have is the f 22. Yet the Su 37s out number our f 22s by 2 to 1. So are there really any solutions. I mean tests have been done where 5 f 15 eagles have been paired up to fight one f 22 and the eagles where destroyed. Now there could always be the doubt of the pilots ability, yet when you think, the Su 37 has one thing in common with the f 22 that the f 15 doesnt have. That is thrust vectoring. There is no way that no matter how good of a pilot that you are that you could evade let alone out maneuver a Su 37 in a f 15. And honestly i can say that this all lies on the shoulders of the United States government. If only they would have put more money into the f 15 active program we could have a comparable aircraft to the Su 37.

[ zeetoboy ]

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Subject: f 15 vs su 37
Post ID# 1179
Message Number 2
Date Posted: 04 April 2007, 8:59:56 AM

Obviously you have forgotten that Russia is a member of the UN, anyway.....

the Eagle may be dominated yes, as much as it pains me to say it, but i did, the SU 37 may be better but the machine is only as good as their pilots. if we stuck a bunch of three year olds in the cockpit of, say the Raptor, and the russians had their worst planes with the best pilots, and the kids got off the ground (amazing!!!!)
who would win...
russia, duh,

so if we have better pilots, than the Eagles 0 losses record will be safe

Se onr sverdar sitja hvass!!!

Jaws [ jaws8u122691 ]

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Subject: f 15 vs su 37
Post ID# 1207
Message Number 3
Date Posted: 09 May 2007, 3:28:10 PM

It depends on if your talking about the Su-37 Flanker or the Su-37 Berkut. I still think the F-15 could take them BOTH.

[ oxusaf ]

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Subject: f 15 vs su 37
Post ID# 1210
Message Number 4
Date Posted: 11 May 2007, 2:06:03 PM

You two need to look at some more data before making these arguments. Unfortunately the data from 'Red Flag', 'Gold Flag' etc. (USAF fighter exercises using foreign military tactics and aircraft with the same abilities) is not available. However the Su-37 Terminator is not an operational aircraft it is a 'Technology demonstrator' the same as the F-15 MTD Active. However the F-15 MTD Active was developed and flown at least 10 ahead of the Su-37. Just some food for thought.

[ firstsgt_cap ]

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Subject: f 15 vs su 37
Post ID# 1220
Message Number 5
Date Posted: 21 May 2007, 2:12:44 PM

Thank you........oxusaf. That is exactly my thought, I would say that it would probably depend on the pilots because they are pretty much equally matched. The Su-37 has dual 360 degree thrust vectoring engines, but maneuvers such as the Cobra maneuver are worthless in battle because of how much time it takes, but then again without knowing its maneuvering capablities it is hard to judge.

[ typhoon_tycoon ]

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Subject: f 15 vs su 37
Post ID# 1398
Message Number 6
Date Posted: 21 August 2007, 12:53:03 AM

An F-15C/E would probably get shot down, but the newer one the F-15s/mtd would kick &*#

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