Hello Members,
The United States Air Force is the most technically advanced branch of the Armed Services, and it has a unique history and culture.
Competing with the Civilian Workforce:The U.S. Department of Defense states that Air Force personnel are the most sought-after people for civilian jobs. This is because the Air Force is a highly technical and administrative branch of the Armed Services, with members who work directly with the newest and latest technologies that are used in corporate settings.
The Cultural Identity of the Air Force:Historically, the Air Force has a different cultural identity than its sister services. According to a report entitled "The Cultural Identity of the United States Air Force" by Major William C. Thomas, the Air Force has a unique history of aerospace defense and technology. The Air Force advertises education, administration and technology as the main goals of its defense plan, which appeals to individuals who want to work or serve in a technical environment. This cultural identity is used heavily in Air Force recruitment and retention strategies.
Getting and Keeping Qualified Air Force Personnel:The Air Force has implemented programs to strengthen its retention programs by offering more promotions in career fields, re-enlistment bonuses and better facilities for career personnel. The Air Force proudly promotes its Community College of The Air Force program as being the only college degree program offered by an armed service that is accredited by major colleges. Educational opportunities are also featured in getting people to stay in the Air Force.
Thanks and Regards,
Edward Leigh