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flyboy [ flyboy ]

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Subject: who would win a dogfight (f-14 tomcat) or (F/A 18)
Post ID# 1347
Message Number 1
Date Posted: 03 July 2007, 4:39:16 PM

i think the skill of the pilot would come into play considering the f-14 flys at mach 1.9 and the F/A 18 flys at mach 1.8 also considering the F/A 18 seems more modern with a 20 millmeter vulcan canno with harm and maverick missles (etc.) but i think it would end up in a draw between the 2

[ bird_dog ]

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Subject: who would win a dogfight (f-14 tomcat) or (F/A 18)
Post ID# 1356
Message Number 2
Date Posted: 23 July 2007, 2:49:59 AM

doesnt the f-14 hav the vulcan aswell?

flyboy [ flyboy ]

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Subject: who would win a dogfight (f-14 tomcat) or (F/A 18)
Post ID# 1360
Message Number 3
Date Posted: 27 July 2007, 10:52:31 AM

well sure but the hornet is still alot more advanced soon the prototype superhornets will become offical so i say withen 5 to 10 years we will barley use f-14s

[ oxusaf ]

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Subject: who would win a dogfight (f-14 tomcat) or (F/A 18)
Post ID# 1377
Message Number 4
Date Posted: 03 August 2007, 5:46:58 PM

All american fighters come with the 20 mm vulcan rotary cannon.

EagleO-10 [ eagleo10 ]

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Subject: who would win a dogfight (f-14 tomcat) or (F/A 18)
Post ID# 1416
Message Number 5
Date Posted: 13 November 2007, 5:43:56 PM

O BOY! I have been a long time Tomcat fan so I am obviously going to have to say the F-14 Tomcat D. But unfortunately, the Tomcat has already been retired. The Navy for some reason sees the Superhornet as a 'better' inteceptor than the Tomcat! HA! But anyway, the proud Tomcat was retired in September of '06.

Either way, it still the Tomcat all the way!

zxcvbnm [ zxcvbnm ]

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Subject: who would win a dogfight (f-14 tomcat) or (F/A 18)
Post ID# 1423
Message Number 6
Date Posted: 06 December 2007, 3:38:16 PM

The F-14 will beat the F-A/18s but by the time hitech tech reaches the hornets there won't be tomcats

[ firstsgt_cap ]

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Subject: who would win a dogfight (f-14 tomcat) or (F/A 18)
Post ID# 1428
Message Number 7
Date Posted: 20 December 2007, 12:01:00 AM

It depends on a lot of things. The F-14 will beat the F/A-18 at long range because its(rather it was, it was decommissioned, in Sept. 2006) equipped with AIM-54 Phoenix missiles.

However, I would venture to say that in a dogfight, the F/A-18 would have a pretty good chance of winning considering its a bit smaller and more agile, plus a lot younger.

Lucky we don't have to worry about it unless Iran some how gets its 40 year old fleet back up and running, which isn't going to happen any time soon..................

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Subject: who would win a dogfight (f-14 tomcat) or (F/A 18)
Post ID# 1600
Message Number 8
Date Posted: 21 July 2008, 1:49:23 PM

THEORY: rapid pitch up maneuver will defeat Phoenix. The missile lacks "oomf" needed to follow agile fighters

harry [ v_bomber ]

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Subject: who would win a dogfight (f-14 tomcat) or (F/A 18)
Post ID# 1913
Message Number 9
Date Posted: 07 September 2008, 4:46:23 AM

I dont know why the us government ordered super hornets over super tomcats as the tomcat was superior in most respects
They've delivered it upside down!
- Anon RN Admiral.

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[ f6hellcat ]


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Subject: who would win a dogfight (f-14 tomcat) or (F/A 18)
Post ID# 1917
Message Number 10
Date Posted: 10 September 2008, 3:28:47 PM

I would actually have to agree with that.
I reject your reality and substitute my own!
-Adam Savage (Mythbuster)

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