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[ danfrederiksen ]

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Subject: Help ID an odd cargo? plane
Post ID# 1090
Message Number 1
Date Posted: 04 July 2006, 3:50:46 AM

Just saw what looked like a sleek smooth version of a C130. twin forward pod prop engines on a top mounted straight tapered wing. almost like the wing shape of a U2. The body was very smooth without seems and dents and the paint was a silky black. not glossy, not matte but silky/satin.
I didn't see any windows on the body and the nose might have had a small 747 like bulb on the top. the tail section had the c130 type triangular lifted shape but not edgy, more smooth in the curves. All in all a very simple shape, no landing gear, no lines, no stripes and come to think of it I don't think there were any numbers on it either.

anyone know what that might be?

this was in Denmark, Europe (Aalborg)

[ demon_razgriz ]

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Subject: Help ID an odd cargo? plane
Post ID# 1321
Message Number 2
Date Posted: 15 June 2007, 8:57:07 PM

Strangely enough, I've seen the same type flying over NJ many times when I'm outside. I can't identify it, but it looked like what I see the Golden Knights jumping out of in their airborne performances.

[ oxusaf ]

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Subject: Help ID an odd cargo? plane
Post ID# 1323
Message Number 3
Date Posted: 15 June 2007, 10:10:09 PM

I can't really get a clear picture from your description (not good at that) but it could be the C-27 Spartan, which is a farely new small cargo plane that will be doing a lot of the jobs too small for the C-130. It also could be the C-23 Sherpa.

[ firstsgt_cap ]

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Subject: Help ID an odd cargo? plane
Post ID# 1324
Message Number 4
Date Posted: 16 June 2007, 10:23:17 AM

The nose............was it odd shaped? Not pointy, but rounded and sticking out?

What would you guess its altitude was?

You said it only had two engines?

[ demon_razgriz ]

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Subject: Help ID an odd cargo? plane
Post ID# 1326
Message Number 5
Date Posted: 16 June 2007, 2:08:08 PM

Ok, I looked up the Golden Knights and took your description(and my sightings), my guess is that it is a C-31A. It has two props mounted on an upper wing, a sleek body with a bulb on the nose, and long, thin wings. I've seen a dark grey one before, so it may be a shadow making it appear black, unless you saw it at a low altitude. All praise CAP's visit to the McGuire Airshow for that bit of information.

[ firstsgt_cap ]

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Subject: Help ID an odd cargo? plane
Post ID# 1327
Message Number 6
Date Posted: 16 June 2007, 11:08:20 PM CAP you mean the USAF Auxilary Civil Air Patrol correct? If not then what do you mean?

[ demon_razgriz ]

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Subject: Help ID an odd cargo? plane
Post ID# 1344
Message Number 7
Date Posted: 21 June 2007, 10:17:00 PM

Yes, I do, First Sergeant. I'm a member of the New Jersey Wing.

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