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harry [ v_bomber ]

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Subject: who would win a dogfight (f-14 tomcat) or (F/A 18)
Post ID# 1923
Message Number 11
Date Posted: 12 September 2008, 9:10:40 AM

Does anybody else think the same on the super tomcat
They've delivered it upside down!
- Anon RN Admiral.

F4 PhantomII

[ firstsgt_cap ]

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Subject: who would win a dogfight (f-14 tomcat) or (F/A 18)
Post ID# 1938
Message Number 12
Date Posted: 13 September 2008, 11:17:05 AM

Examples wrote:
THEORY: rapid pitch up maneuver will defeat Phoenix. The missile lacks "oomf" needed to follow agile fighters

Possible, but at closer range the Phoenix will have more than enough extra power to follow an agile fighter. You do realize that the Phoenix has a range in excess of 126 miles and can reach speeds above Mach 5 right?

V_Bomber: Super Tomcat.....older design, more expensive.........mainly more expensive.............we have a history of buying aircraft that are not as capable because its cheaper and thats all politicians care about..........

harry [ v_bomber ]

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Subject: who would win a dogfight (f-14 tomcat) or (F/A 18)
Post ID# 1962
Message Number 13
Date Posted: 14 September 2008, 1:44:53 AM

Yes considering your countrys the wealthiest nation on earth i would have though cost wouldnt have been an issue
They've delivered it upside down!
- Anon RN Admiral.

F4 PhantomII

[ firstsgt_cap ]

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Subject: who would win a dogfight (f-14 tomcat) or (F/A 18)
Post ID# 1967
Message Number 14
Date Posted: 14 September 2008, 9:29:08 PM

You would think, but it seems we spend so much money, that we don't always pick the right thing to put it into..........either that or morons with not combat expierence decide its a waste of money, like buying more F-22s for instance.......

[ f6hellcat ]


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Subject: who would win a dogfight (f-14 tomcat) or (F/A 18)
Post ID# 1983
Message Number 15
Date Posted: 18 September 2008, 3:12:35 PM

well to poloticians, war is just an abstract idea. nothing more than a game on a board. to them its like playing Risk.
I reject your reality and substitute my own!
-Adam Savage (Mythbuster)

[ firstsgt_cap ]

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Subject: who would win a dogfight (f-14 tomcat) or (F/A 18)
Post ID# 1985
Message Number 16
Date Posted: 18 September 2008, 4:01:43 PM

more or less.......

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