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Subject: Why stealth got shot in Serbia?
Post ID# 261
Message Number 1
Date Posted: 19 January 2005, 1:20:20 PM

What's up with a super stealth technology?

Subject: Why stealth got shot in Serbia?
Post ID# 263
Message Number 2
Date Posted: 20 January 2005, 5:40:37 PM

The stealth got shot down because our Air force officials were stupid enough to send them in the same flight path day and night and when 1 of the F-117A went to bomb someone, BAM, was hit and shot down by heavy AAA

Subject: Why stealth got shot in Serbia?
Post ID# 264
Message Number 3
Date Posted: 21 January 2005, 8:35:11 AM

It was shot by the SA-6 Kub ('Cube') - 'grandfather' of today's SAMs, entered service in 1967 and tracked by an old Soviet radar made in 1950's. Every third country has this kind of SAMS and radars.

Subject: Why stealth got shot in Serbia?
Post ID# 265
Message Number 4
Date Posted: 21 January 2005, 8:40:04 AM

I think f-117 stealthiness counts at some high altitudes.

Subject: Why stealth got shot in Serbia?
Post ID# 276
Message Number 5
Date Posted: 23 January 2005, 4:06:09 AM

OMG r u guys still liveing in the 40's havent herd of OHR over the horizon radar the thoes countreis do have it and when it gets activated it does strike

Subject: Why stealth got shot in Serbia?
Post ID# 278
Message Number 6
Date Posted: 23 January 2005, 1:30:12 PM

Where you heard this kind of bull sh*t ?

Subject: Why stealth got shot in Serbia?
Post ID# 289
Message Number 7
Date Posted: 24 January 2005, 2:47:46 PM

hercboy tell me how can you detect aircraft like stealth or raptor.How can you detect this kind of shape. Tell me how does this radar work.

Subject: Why stealth got shot in Serbia?
Post ID# 293
Message Number 8
Date Posted: 25 January 2005, 5:42:21 AM

holy crap u seriously dont know how OHR works, ok OHR works on a radio freq HF high frequecy. the radio wavies first get sent out by a transmitter then they fly all over the place rebounbing of what ever metalic object they hit OR they hit the ionisphear (if thats how u spell it) because it has ion particals in it so when it hits a stealth aircraft ot bounces off hits the ionisphear then bounces back to a reciver which can be placed where ever. but for more detail LOOK IT UP

Subject: Why stealth got shot in Serbia?
Post ID# 294
Message Number 9
Date Posted: 25 January 2005, 5:49:50 AM

I think f-117 stealthiness counts at some high altitudes tell me burket how does this work

Subject: Why stealth got shot in Serbia?
Post ID# 298
Message Number 10
Date Posted: 25 January 2005, 2:44:43 PM

Waves can't bounce back from stealth, damn &*#, because stealth picks up any kind of SUPER radio wave and never returns it back. It practikly eats it all. Thats how this super, stealth technology works.

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