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[ iachsi ]

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Subject: Raptor vs Typhoon
Post ID# 1097
Message Number 1
Date Posted: 01 August 2006, 6:42:15 AM

Hello people

I noticed your debate on the Raptor versus the Typhoon and which aircraft is the superior all round universal strike machine...

From reports I've seen the Sukhoi SU-37 'Super Flanker' makes a mockery of the two of them.

Correct me if I'm wrong people.


NB Does the free world have anything that compares to the SU-37?

[ narboza22 ]

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Subject: Raptor vs Typhoon
Post ID# 1102
Message Number 2
Date Posted: 06 August 2006, 4:54:22 PM

the Su-37, while being a good plane, does not match up to either the typhoon or the raptor. it is not even a production fighter, it was just a tech demo that sukhoi made.

bmthomas1138 [ bmthomas1138 ]

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Subject: Raptor vs Typhoon
Post ID# 1111
Message Number 3
Date Posted: 24 August 2006, 12:43:21 AM

The whole argument over these three aircraft never seems to end. At least at this site everybody seems open-minded and reasonable when talking about it (search 'Sukhoi' or 'F-22' on Youtube and you'll see what i mean). I think that no one can really say positively what aircraft would win because there are a lot of things that are in development, classified, being tweaked and/or still being tested on all three aircraft. Put all the finished production models in a wargame exercise and then see what happens maybe or wait for WWIII and read the combat reports. I've given up trying to decide which one of these amazing aircraft is better than the rest. I love them all because they are each shining examples of advancement and technology.
Everything that makes it functional makes it beautiful. I call it perfection, I call it passion, I call it human, I call it lust... I call it Su-37.

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