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[ floppyarms ]

Posts: 2
First post: 2006-08-01
Join date: 2006-08-01
Location: UK
Group: Newcomer

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Subject: The Vulcan
Post ID# 1096
Message Number 1
Date Posted: 01 August 2006, 3:17:12 AM


I am contacting you in the hope to drum up some support for a desperate
campaign, The owner here at vin de Terre is ex RAF and has many friends who
are working voluntarily towards restoring the Vulcan. The aircraft they have
is extremely close to finishing and is hoped to be flown for the first time
in over 13 years on the 31st August. The Vulcan was primarily used in the
Cold war but wasn't used in anger until the Falklands when it took a key
role in securing the UK's advance and defence of the islands. The aircraft
were all decommissioned due to a lack of funding but this dedicated team
have worked on donations of money, time and parts with the ultimate goal of
seeing a piece of the UK's military history back in operational status.

The national lottery have agreed to meet all achieved funds 3 times, the aim
for us is to raise £350,000 in 4 weeks! Our role in this mission is going to
be focused around selling Wine which has been specially labelled for the
cause, and the owner here will donate 100% of the profits to the cause. This
is more a mission about passion and devotion to the efforts and history of
the aircraft and the volunteers, we simply want to try as much as possible
to give them something they deserve so much - to see the aircraft fly...

We have turned the Vin de Terre offices into a 4 week operations center,
this money has to be raised. We have funded and created a website for the
cause - and we will be selling wine for £10 per
bottle with 100% profit going to the cause. We need to tell everyone,
general public, businesses, enthusiasts, ex servicemen, and anyone you reach
out to, that the cause needs their support. We need this website to be
inundated with orders to help save and preserve a piece of natural heritage.
So many people have worked so hard on this task and we cannot let it fall at
the last hurdle.

We know you reach people who care about this aircraft, and people who
genuinely wish to help, and we hope you can help us put together a rescue

The wine we are supplying can be personalised with the customers name, in
thanks for their support, at no extra cost!

If you would like to know more, find out more or speak to us about this feel
free to email me here or call me on my number below.

Let me know your thoughts


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