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Subject: those jets
Post ID# 587
Message Number 21
Date Posted: 14 June 2005, 12:01:27 AM

US pilots are much better trained than russia's. plus most of our aircraft have multiple roles unlike the russia which has an aircraft for every little thing. the frogfoot might be faster and more manuverable than the warthog but at wut cost? The warthog is better armed and armored than the frogfoot.

Subject: those jets
Post ID# 732
Message Number 22
Date Posted: 15 July 2005, 11:48:19 PM

yes but the russians have planes that can fly rings around the f/a-22 and the jsf with ease even if they dont have many they can shoot down more than twice their numbers

Subject: those jets
Post ID# 1010
Message Number 23
Date Posted: 30 December 2005, 12:34:17 AM

We really shouldn't be scared. Back in the cold war the main concern was that russia had twice as many tanks as NATO. But what people did not realize was that we had a neat little solution. It's called a LAW (Light Anti-tank Weapon). With that, an infantryman could knock the treads off a T-72 therefore leaving it open for our anti-tank choppers of which we had a buttload. The moral is that things aren't what they seem. We always have ways that the public don't know about. Things are constantly in development.

[ maverickfuller ]

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Subject: those jets
Post ID# 1132
Message Number 24
Date Posted: 06 November 2006, 6:04:30 PM

hey baritone 89 just remember u americans may spend vast amounts of money on pilot training and expensive aircraft but remember own goals dont count with all that tech american pilots(aircraft and helo )still have a problem of killing friendlies steming bk to vietnam and beyond and u guys just hate low level work remember h3/4 airfields tornado's less than 150ft americans 1500 and was told about a red flag excersise where jaguars simulated shoot down of f-15 on it perch jags flyin so low that air techs had to re-spray undersides american pilot training = collateral damage own goals and friendly fire nothin u should be proud of

harry [ v_bomber ]

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Subject: those jets
Post ID# 1711
Message Number 25
Date Posted: 18 August 2008, 6:07:17 AM

Hes right americans spend all that money but never get difficult missions we always end up with hard missions and hten americans get all patriotic and take credit and say we stopped this conflict they didnt do half as much as what we did and everything they did they were pretty much guarnteed to come back alive. But main thing is you gotta stop all this friendly fire killing us it aint good for us or your reputation
'The distant flash of lightning howling through the thunder' ex RAF ligthning pilot recalling lightning of 1973 through thunder

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