Subject: those jets
Post ID# 454
Message Number 11Date Posted: 25 April 2005, 11:30:28 PM the MiG is one hell of an intercepter i'll give you that
Subject: those jets
Post ID# 459
Message Number 12Date Posted: 27 April 2005, 2:22:04 PM With the technology that in on all F-15's now it doesn't matter what you put in the air the 15's will shoot them down. before they even know that they are there. With the 22 it sure as hell doesn't matter because it can fire missiles from even further away than the 15. So bottom line. USAF all the way till the end of time.
Subject: those jets
Post ID# 464
Message Number 13Date Posted: 28 April 2005, 3:26:52 PM I don't give a &*#% what technology it has, Mig-31 has the most powerful radar in the world capable of tracking 10 targets at ranges up to 120 kilometers (75 miles) and engage four targets at once. (http://www.milavia.net/aircraft/mig-31/mig-31.htm).It also has the most powerful missile in the world.
'The most recent Russian R-77 medium-range missiles (AA-12 'AMRAAMSKI') is similar to and in some respects equal to the American AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles. The R-77 missile has an active radar finder and a maximim range of 90-100 kilometers (50 km more than AMRAAM) and flies at four times the speed of sound.'(http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/russia/aa-12.htm)
Subject: those jets
Post ID# 483
Message Number 14Date Posted: 30 April 2005, 9:01:02 PM hey the mig 31 can fly almost twice as fast as the raptor and much faster than the f-15 and with the powerful radar mentioned below i think the mig could easily take out an f-15
Subject: those jets
Post ID# 491
Message Number 15Date Posted: 01 May 2005, 6:38:00 PM Russians would make anything for protecting it's motherland.
Subject: those jets
Post ID# 493
Message Number 16Date Posted: 02 May 2005, 3:52:59 PM True. but tell me this can they afford to build more than 2 James Porter
Subject: those jets
Post ID# 496
Message Number 17Date Posted: 02 May 2005, 6:57:14 PM Yes they can man.Russia has around 300 mig-31s and 200 su-27s (http://mylima.com/airforce/qr.htm) in air defence role.So it fully capable of intercepting anything that can fly.
Subject: those jets
Post ID# 497
Message Number 18Date Posted: 02 May 2005, 7:10:14 PM You see, some people think Russia is poor, maby just people that live in it ,but not the country.Russia is second richest country on oil, but because of coraptions, Russia stayes in 'economical crisis'.
Subject: those jets
Post ID# 514
Message Number 19Date Posted: 06 May 2005, 11:30:57 PM russia also train their pilots quite well so they could repel any attack
Subject: those jets
Post ID# 519
Message Number 20Date Posted: 07 May 2005, 12:01:57 AM That's true.Most of Russian money from oil, natural gas .... goes on air defence. Russians put more money in Air Defence than in Ground Forces.