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Subject: MiG:faster or not?
Post ID# 424
Message Number 11
Date Posted: 05 April 2005, 11:47:41 AM

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Subject: MiG:faster or not?
Post ID# 438
Message Number 12
Date Posted: 22 April 2005, 7:46:14 AM

What I can't understand is how retarded all of you are. I understand your pride for you country, which I really respect. But your not using common sense and simple facts. The United States Air Force is the best in the world. and Will always be that way.

Subject: MiG:faster or not?
Post ID# 441
Message Number 13
Date Posted: 23 April 2005, 9:15:47 PM

Why it's the best, because you just said it or W bush?

Subject: MiG:faster or not?
Post ID# 460
Message Number 14
Date Posted: 28 April 2005, 1:48:55 PM

You wanna know why we are the best. Because of the way we train our pilots. We have some of the best pilots in the world. Not to mention we have enough money to keep our jets up to date. For example, The F-15, A,B,C,D, or E model it doesn't matter, was only suppost to have a service life of 4 to 5 years. it has been service since the beginning of the 70's and until there are enough fa-22's to replace it will probably be in service another 10 to 15 years. It's not because we couldn't get anything better, it's because it is a damn good jet. That jet has helped America get air superiority and when there are enough f-22's to replace them, We will have air dominence over this entire planet. You name one airforce in the world that mobilize fighters, bombers, reconn and cargo quicker than the USAF. I don't think you can. I am not saying that the USAF is the best in the world because it's my opinion. It's simple facts the destiguishes the USAF from the rest of the world.

Subject: MiG:faster or not?
Post ID# 462
Message Number 15
Date Posted: 28 April 2005, 2:51:30 PM

I think German Airforce is better, not by numbers but by profecionalism. And they have like 180 Eurofighters so they can make a damn good competition against f-22.

Subject: MiG:faster or not?
Post ID# 474
Message Number 16
Date Posted: 30 April 2005, 7:08:18 AM

I have just one question. can you go back and review the speed of the two aircraft and tell me which one is faster? and can you also go back and tell me which on can carry more advanced ammo? cause from what I just read The FA-22 stands on top from what I can tell.

Subject: MiG:faster or not?
Post ID# 475
Message Number 17
Date Posted: 30 April 2005, 7:09:33 AM

Oh and by the way from what I have seen the USAF is probably the most professional military service in the world.
James Porter

Subject: MiG:faster or not?
Post ID# 476
Message Number 18
Date Posted: 30 April 2005, 4:17:44 PM

Yes, f-22 is slower, it does mach 1.8 and Eurofighter 2.0. Even this site sayes it , click on (50 Fastest Aircraft).Eurofighter can carry everything that f-22 carries,but it has much bigger arsenal of air to ground capabilities.'Depending on role, the fighter can carry the following mix of missiles: air-superiority - six BVRAAM (Beyond Visual Range)/AMRAAM air-to-air missiles on semi-recessed fuselage stations and two ASRAAM short-range air-to-air missiles on the outer pylons; air interdiction - four AMRAAM, two ASRAAM, two cruise missiles and two anti-radar missiles (ARM); SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defences) - four AMRAAM, two ASRAAM, six anti-radar missiles; multi-role - three AMRAAM, two ASRAAM, two ARM and two GBU-24 Paveway III/IV; close air support - four AMRAAM, two ASRAAM, 18 Brimstone anti-armour missiles; maritime attack - four AMRAAM, two ASRAAM, six anti-ship missiles.'(

Subject: MiG:faster or not?
Post ID# 477
Message Number 19
Date Posted: 30 April 2005, 4:35:23 PM

It is much more agile than Raptor, has stealth cheracteristics'The use of Stealth technology is incorporated throughout the aircraft’s basic design.'( and is much more cheaper
Raptor cost is 150,000$ & EUROFIGHTER like 60,000, more than two times cheaper.
I think it is the best aircraft ever built.

Subject: MiG:faster or not?
Post ID# 478
Message Number 20
Date Posted: 30 April 2005, 5:03:16 PM

'Oh and by the way from what I have seen the USAF is probably the most professional military service in the world.'

From what I have seen U.S. fight some third world countries, that don't have any proffesionalism.They didn't have any equipment to stand againt U.S invations. Ex. Ugoslavia, Iraq, Aphganistan, Vietnam, and soon will be Iran and N.K.

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