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Subject: MiG:faster or not?
Post ID# 377
Message Number 1
Date Posted: 08 March 2005, 6:07:54 PM

the russians may have something going on with the Mig 25 & 29. it might be not as agile and fast as the russians say. so look out!


Subject: MiG:faster or not?
Post ID# 384
Message Number 2
Date Posted: 10 March 2005, 3:10:36 PM

U.S has mig-29s and mig-25 so it's not a problem to check if they are fast ,agile or not.

Subject: MiG:faster or not?
Post ID# 387
Message Number 3
Date Posted: 11 March 2005, 9:05:51 PM


Subject: MiG:faster or not?
Post ID# 402
Message Number 4
Date Posted: 01 April 2005, 11:47:08 PM

Everybody knows that mig-25 not very agile but it is very fast , if you want to check it go to Russia and fly on some migs for a few hundred grand.Maby than you start seeing the best of the best.
But mig-29 is in service in many countries including Germany.U.S does have mig-29s.It bought them after the brake up of Soviet Union from Moldova and i think U.S 'experts' would criticize mig if it won't be that fast, or agile.But novobody sayes a word,I think mig showed better performence than any American would of expected.

Subject: MiG:faster or not?
Post ID# 404
Message Number 5
Date Posted: 02 April 2005, 1:28:43 PM

Yes the mig is actually better than all american aircraft apart from the f22 (can't count JSF because it isn't even in production). Americans are actually very arogant towards Russian aircraft and as soon as you put their owns down or mock them they can you a communist or a terrorist.
If the Russian air force could get the money it would absolutely own the US air force.

Subject: MiG:faster or not?
Post ID# 406
Message Number 6
Date Posted: 02 April 2005, 4:17:20 PM

The only problem is in Russian economy,it's corrupted, look over some news and you will find that Russia tries to fight with corruptors like that billionaires owners of oil ,and natural gas.But U.S tries to interfere with Russian economy like 'trying to defend people's rights' but whats it's really does is trying to keep Russian Economy in Crisis , so U.S wouid be a 'World Police' continuing doing what it does in middle east and South East asia. Russia gets closer and closer to European Union it has closer cooperation with Germany, France and post Soviet republics that could help rebuild it's economy.I think the only think is left is to kill corruption and everything else will take it's places.

Subject: MiG:faster or not?
Post ID# 411
Message Number 7
Date Posted: 02 April 2005, 10:55:23 PM

Just tell the Americans to &*#% off (don't like that kiss my &*#). They stay in Russian because they know that if you get organised as well as China and India they will become the fourth most powerful country in the world not the 1st. Anyway if you guys had a war with them you would own them.

Subject: MiG:faster or not?
Post ID# 412
Message Number 8
Date Posted: 03 April 2005, 2:57:34 PM

Those big &*# population countries can't do &*#%.U.S still has the most advanced airforce in the world , do you know that b-2 capable in carrying nucles, maby not H-bombs but bombs that can do as much damage as that onces that were dropped on Japan in 1945. And stop talking about U.S vs. Russian in WW3. Until U.S stayes a NATO member Russian wouldn't do &*#%.

Subject: MiG:faster or not?
Post ID# 420
Message Number 9
Date Posted: 03 April 2005, 9:58:42 PM

Yes well China can just old number. There economy is booing and is the that of Indias wont be long now.

Subject: MiG:faster or not?
Post ID# 421
Message Number 10
Date Posted: 04 April 2005, 3:25:19 AM

I meant out number not old number and china and india have booming economies. sorry about the typo.

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