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Subject: against unmanned aircraft
Post ID# 186
Message Number 1
Date Posted: 09 October 2004, 3:57:25 AM

people who is with me im sick of unmanned aircraft takin ower jobs im a student pilot at the moment here in australia and looking for a carrer in the RAAF when im old enough to join but i always see documentrys on unmanned aircraft it getts me annoyed becuase hey us pilots are here to serve and fly the aircraft u know fair enough u might get shot down but thats what happens in war, let us have the fun of flying a multimillion dollar aircraft and destroying ower targets, we might make a mistake here and there but what happend if the computer suddenly fries or the aircraft gets hacked but some little terriost who listen in computer studdies u might have a situation that u might not have no control and it could destroy what ever it wants (hey anything is possible nower days u never know who your at war with) if a human is in the cockpit flying the aircraft the pilot can shut down the system and then eject u might loos a multimillion dollar aircraft but hey none of the allied troops or government are harmed but theres allways another side of the story u dont just get the technoldegy u need people to creat it and that creats jobs less pilots will die and if the person who is in command of the UAV's for some reason can not fly the aircraft any more he can swop over to another person so you can creat longer missions what im bacly sayin is that pilots train for along period of time im 16 at the moment started flyin at 15 and ill be flying for the rest of my life and when u get excite becuase your joinin the militay and you have been in for a few years trainin and theres a shortage of aircraft then hey the government is goin to buy more aircraft then u find out its a UAV it would get u annoyed because a computer has just taken over you role which you have gone threw the hardest pilots trainin in the country for nothing bacly thats my thorts

Subject: against unmanned aircraft
Post ID# 191
Message Number 2
Date Posted: 10 October 2004, 3:40:43 PM

Totally man, UAVs and UCAVs suck

Subject: against unmanned aircraft
Post ID# 235
Message Number 3
Date Posted: 04 January 2005, 2:11:39 PM

Really!!! So your willing to fly into an area where Nuclear blast has just occured. If so, you've got balls. ( unfortunately you have no brains) The UAVs and UCAVS are here for those situations. Also there only so many pilots and they have to rest sometime. Trust me UAVs and UCAVS serve the purpose that they were built for, which is recon.

Subject: against unmanned aircraft
Post ID# 238
Message Number 4
Date Posted: 06 January 2005, 7:46:12 PM

actually there were tests done in the 50s during which usaf bombers flew over a nuclear test site as a weapon was set off. the purpose of this was to find out if bombers could survive both the radiation as well as the shock wave of the blast. and before you ask, no none of the airmen involved were subjected to dangerous levels of radiation.

Subject: against unmanned aircraft
Post ID# 507
Message Number 5
Date Posted: 05 May 2005, 2:33:28 PM

I think it will be worthless in few years, because technology can always bet technology but it much more difficult to bet pilots skills.

Subject: against unmanned aircraft
Post ID# 563
Message Number 6
Date Posted: 12 June 2005, 12:31:04 AM

they're ok to a point like for covert reconnaisance, the predator drone is ok but that's it. frankly i'd perfer skill over technology.

Subject: against unmanned aircraft
Post ID# 573
Message Number 7
Date Posted: 12 June 2005, 11:51:19 PM

There is less and less skill now that missiles aim themselves. You guys should see the movie stealth when it somes out

Subject: against unmanned aircraft
Post ID# 575
Message Number 8
Date Posted: 13 June 2005, 1:35:20 AM

Yeh but a good dogfight isn't the same when it's unmanned aircraft whose pilots are hundreds of miles away in concrete bunkers.

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